4th Grade English Language Arts
Goals and Objectives
- Read with a higher level of fluency and expression.
- Utilize root words, prefixes, suffixes, and context clues to analyze unfamiliar words.
- Apply comprehension strategies to literary and expository texts.
- Identify and describe the theme of a story, as well as retell story elements with details.
- Formulate multiple paragraph pieces that focus on a specific purpose or audience.
- Write chronological pieces, pieces focusing on cause and effect and pieces that draw from personal experience.
- Spell frequently used words correctly.
- Paying close attention to the key features of what is read, and being able to share details afterward
- Comparing ideas, characters, events, and settings in stories
- Recognizing figurative language when reading (similes, metaphors, etc.)
- Learning the difference between first and third person narration
- Gaining additional skills in reading comprehension including summarizing, predicting, visualizing, questioning, and clarifying details
- Using research tools to investigate and write about a specific topic.
- Writing summaries or opinions of topics, using supporting details.
- Analyzing and interpreting a story they have read by writing about it.
- Writing an example news article.
- Rules of spelling
- Proper and common nouns
- Regular and irregular verbs
- Correctly using commas in series, dates, addresses, and compound sentences
- Recognizing and avoiding double negatives
4th Grade Fluency
4th Grade Writing
4th Grade Vocabulary
25-Week Spelling Words List
These themed Grade 2 spelling words will help make spelling a little more interesting for your second grader
Week 1
Back to School
- backpack
- binder
- classroom
- educate
- finished
- homework
- learning
- notebook
- project
- recess
Week 2
Days of the Week/Time
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- again
- daily
- future
- hours
- minutes
Week 3
- delivery
- diary
- envelope
- express
- mailbox
- package
- postage
- return
- sincerely
- weigh
- wrote
Week 4
- always
- during
- forever
- never
- often
- permanent
- quickly
- since
- slowly
- sometimes
- temporary
- until
Week 5
- zero
- thirty
- forty
- fifty
- sixty
- seventy
- eighty
- ninety
- hundred
- thousand
- million
- integer
Week 6
- cousin
- daughter
- families
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grandparents
- grandson
- husband
- nephew
- niece
- siblings
- sister-in-law
Week 7
- inside
- monster
- university
- inspector
- gadget
- incredible
- dinosaur
- frozen
- chicken
- tangled
- mermaid
- shrunk
Week 8
- author
- book
- bookcase
- bookworm
- chapter
- character
- choose
- comic
- cover
- drama
- villain
- entire
Week 9
Books 2
- favorite
- fiction
- heroes
- library
- mystery
- novel
- page
- plot
- publish
- read
- story
- title
Week 10
- elephant
- zebra
- lion
- hyena
- giraffe
- cheetah
- monkey
- gorilla
- camel
- hippopotamus
Week 11
The Human Body
- bitter
- body
- cells
- germ
- hearing
- human
- salty
- sense
- shoulder
- sight
- smell
- taste
- touch
- vision
Week 12
- dough
- sauce
- cheese
- bacon
- mushrooms
- olives
- onions
- pepper
- pineapple
- tomato
Week 13
- build
- drill
- glasses
- hammer
- level
- measuring
- nail
- power
- repair
- safety
- screw
- tools
- washer
- wrench
Week 14
- bandage
- bearable
- broken
- burned
- checked
- fracture
- painful
- pressure
- scratch
- neeze
- spread
- virus
- vomit
- wound
Week 15
- agriculture
- calf
- calves
- cattle
- crops
- harvest
- herd
- manure
- pasture
- produce
- provide
- rooster
- tractor
- wheelbarrow
Week 16
Insects & Flowers
- bees
- beetle
- butterfly
- daisy
- flies
- flowers
- important
- insects
- nectar
- pollinator
- roses
- scorpion
- vase
- workers
Week 17
- cod
- crab
- beach
- captain
- sail
- orca
- seahorse
- shoreline
- waves
- tuna
Week 18
Ocean 2
- coral
- seal
- reef
- octopus
- lobster
- stingray
- jellyfish
- clams
- trout
- whale
Week 19
- began
- chicken
- common
- exotic
- happen
- magic
- number
- pencil
- rabbit
- jealous
- leopard
- question
Week 20
“A” Words
- against
- alley
- alphabet
- although
- angriest
- answer
- angry
- alarm
- airport
- animal
Week 21
“le” Words
- jiggle
- bubble
- hassle
- stifle
- gentle
- paddle
- puddle
- stifle
- startle
- gurgle
Week 22
“ai/il” Words
- metal
- illegal
- illusive
- anvil
- fatal
- local
- lentil
- raise
- paint
- regal
Week 23
“el” Words
- label
- nickel
- gospel
- angel
- cruel
- diesel
- parcel
- chapel
- sequel
- fuel
Week 24
“ure” Words
- assure
- pure
- leisure
- unsure
- treasure
- cure
- manure
- ensure
- allure
- secure
Week 25
- almost
- cookout
- cottage
- fireworks
- footprint
- hiking
- humid
- path
- picnic
- outdoors
- outside
- sandal
- season
- trail